roguery hurdy-gurdy swellheaded outrage pugnaciously aback ne'er-do-well cartload hymnal guilt placenta lawn firstly enclave duct kin nitrogen static overextended elderberry drunkard cliff immanently permanent applicator roil normally explication oversize marksmanship runty productiveness drool forgiveness alcove easygoing unskillfully piccolo hunger palanquin runs wadding bong betterment bookworm blooming loin buffer slipknot classics Newline / Fullstop newline / Comma newline / Fullstop / Comma a the of with in to his her then they by it its as and be from will who is had has he she was when them into does than an |
Q: What is this all about? A: Its a simple tool for writing poetry or lyrics that may have little or no (intentional) meaning but which somehow posess a lyrical beauty and cause the mind to throw out what I like to call 'synthesis requests' as it tries to make sense of what it is being presented with, initiating a creative process for the writer/editor. Generally speaking you can use it as a tool for helping to get over writers block or an experimental tool for creative writing. You can enter words from the random list and the useful common words underneath just by clicking them - you can also type manually (click in the text field first) and the idea is to scan, click and type whatever pops into your head or what you as 'stream editor' think is right to build up your creation, explore ideas or gain inspiration for other work. The random words can be quickly refreshed by hitting the 'Re-resonate' button without affecting what you have already written. Typically, I work quickly, scanning the block of random words for words or combination of words, filling in the gaps. This verse was all from clicked words except 'dreams' and 'the golden seams' and took perhaps 20 seconds. The rapid nature of how I work is more to do with harnessing immediate thought processes rather than getting a high throughput, though its nice to have lots of raw material for further editing down the creative line. I think this sounds pretty and tugs the right artistic strings: fair myriad by moonstruck air, foreknow all fever dreams, momenta fiction vocalize, repeal the golden seams. |